Is crying a defect?

Is crying a defect?

Crying was known since the dawn of history, connected with human feelings, and it is widely common in different ages, races, and cultures. Perhaps one of the common errors is: some people consider crying a proof of human weakness, however it is a natural process which we should not be ashamed of because it is a natural response for our inner emotions. It is enough for us to know if we learn how to make our tears flow, we will be able to get rid of some medications; at this point, a pressing question jumps to mind, which is: Is crying a defect? Is expressing problems and emotions a kind of weakness? Scientists advise to express emotions and not to suppress them where scientists found that crying relieves humans from expected pressures because it relieves the body by expelling poisonous chemicals that were formed as a result of pressures and emotions.

Tears washes and cleans eyes against any exotic and harmful body, because it works as one of the systems that expel odd elements out.

As for suppressing tears and concealing emotions, they lead to many diseases such as rash, the injury of the apparatus or the respiratory system or gastric ulcer, or colon injury.

A person who cries is the person who tears up all masks, all considerations, and all social roles.

Statistics have proven that crying differs according to the culture of societies. Some people do not cry much such as the French which only 8% cry  because of love.

The English writer (Charles Dickens) said:

"Crying expands the lung, washes the features, trains eyes, and mostly abates tempers, so cry as you wish" because first and before everything, you are a human being who has feelings and emotions, so express yourself and your emotions, and let your tears wash your worries and sadness in order to restore comfort for yourself and smile back to your life.

Crying is the best cure for tense nerves resulting from the depression in which a modern person suffers and to empty the charge caused by exhaustion and fatigue. Crying is something healthy and tears wash oneself, moreover, crying has a great benefit in relieving a person.

A human being, man or woman, is created with tears which removes poisonous charges that are caused by emotional tenses, but when someone suppresses them, they kill him. In addition, the lachrymal liquid contains a special enzyme that kills the microbes that enter the eye and protect it.

Experiments, which a number of scholars conducted, resulted in the emergence of a new science that is called "the science of tears" which its first medical conference was held in 1985 in USA under the slogan of: "Cry to live more." The conference called to make tear analysis one of the common medical analysis like blood analysis and urinalysis because its analysis gives detailed and useful information about the body condition.

The last researches conducted by "Mitsona University" confirmed that tears are the best way to get rid of chemical substances accompanying psychological tension and worry that the body secretes when it feels sadness and angry.

It was also confirmed that crying increases the number of heart beats which is considered a useful practice for the muscles of chest, shoulders, and diaphragm. When you finish crying, the heart returns to normal and the chest muscles relax.

Components of tears:

Normal person secretes about half a liter per year at a fixed rate i.e., 1.5 cm per day.

Dear reader, if you analyze tears, you will find high-class components such as: oxygen, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, ammonia, nitrogen, vitamin B 12, vitamin C, ammonic acids, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, chloride, phosphorus, bicarbonate, uric acid, and enzymes in addition to sixty types of proteins.

 Water makes up 98-99% of lachrymal liquid. As for surface tension, it equals 0.6- 0.7 of water surface tension and refractive operator equals 1.337.

 The tears tension equals plasma bloody tension and osmotic pressure equals 0.9% of Sodium chloride when the eye is closed and 1% when eye is open, therefore the eye feels pain when solutions are dropped in, causing to increase or decrease osmotic pressure of tears.

 Therefore, medication factories should maintain the rate of osmotic pressure in metals and ocular ointments.

 As for potassium, it increases to reach double amount in tears rather than blood serum.

 Chlorine increases in tears a little bit than its proportion in blood serum.

 Tears incline a little bit to alkalinity.

These components become more complex when they touch mucous membranes in the lachrymal canal by adding fats, carbohydrates, and ammonic acids as well as fatty secretions that are rich in cholesterol and triglycerides. All these secretions nourish eyes in full and protect them against inflammation during crying.

Cry without shyness:

Tears are the gift of the inner self to oneself and when you cry without shyness, you have reached the peak of psychological and mental matureness because human tears nourish oneself. Cry without shyness because it is a cure for the body from many diseases.
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